As of 2016-02-26, there will be no more posts for this blog. s/blog/pba/
Showing posts with label email. Show all posts

I put some social media buttons on this blog, not sure why I wanted to do this. Maybe its after I switched back to Blogger comments system.

Since new years day, I had been collecting spam emails, the one uses Gmail emoji. Less than 15 days, I received 52 such spams and I dont believe I have seen any legit email uses those emoji. Should I give thumbs-up to spammers?

There is one thing I noticed about the cat, when he cries with a unique sound, he is telling me to clean up his litter box because he just peed or pooped. I will go to the box and he will look back at me, making sure I get the message before he walks back to his bed and continues his sleep. I wonder if this is nature or nurture or simply catgenius, perhaps that indeed is cat has staff as they said.

I googled right hand colder than left hand and found Raynauds phenomenon, I dont think I got that, but some of the pictures inside is quite scarily, not as in bloody scare. I then googled right side colder than left, because I could feel my right leg is colder, too, but not so if I used my hand to sense the temperature. It seems if you google something, there always is a thing to tell you that you might have some disease or illness.

Those azuki bean sprouts are doing good, but I decided to take some to plant in box planter, around 20, they would be like cover crop, since the plants in that container aint doing well, Perhaps they could fix some nitrogen in before spring.

Next Monday, I will scatter the rest into dick container. The weather is cold and wet, not sure if any of these bean will survive, if not, they can still be nutrient once they decomposed.

Spam folder is always fun to check out. I just got an email from the FBI, which must be sent from FBI oversea branch in Greece and resides in some snowboard manufacture factory, probably a blacksite:

| From: federal bureau of investigation <>
| Subject: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

| Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
| Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
| Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
| J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc
| Customers Service Hours / Monday To Saturday
| Office Hours Monday to Saturday:

Dear Beneficiary,

[snip the standard LOL spam/phishing fantasy content]

shipping your ATM card is $540 but because UPS have temporarily
discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when package
is delivered for international shipping We had to sign contract with
them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual fee
of $1020 to $540 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort!

To effect the release of your fund valued at $2.3million Usd you are
advised to contact our correspondent in united state of America (USA)  the delivery officer
MrPeter Pan with the information below,

| Full Name:Mr Peter Pan
| Email:
| Telephone: +1 347 298 8756
| You are advised to contact him with the informations as stated below:

| Your full Name..
| Your Address:..............
| Home/Cell Phone:..............
| Occupation:....................
| Preferred Payment Method (ATM / Cashier Check)

Upon receipt of payment the delivery officer will ensure that your
package is sent within 24 working hours. Because we are so sure of
everything we are giving you a 100% money back guarantee if you do not
receive payment/package within the next 24hrs after you have made the
payment for shipping.

Yours sincerely,
Peter Pan

Yup, yep, FBI, IMF, UN, your kind and enthusiastic governments and organization which cant wait to give you some imaginary money. Entire email conveys a standard blah-blah-and-blah spam and phishing content, nothing out of norm. Occasionally, the terrorist, some unknown law, legal action, bizarre terms, or whatsoever, its just typically right.

But then, imagine that when I read the gentle mans name, who would be receiving a never-be-made-call from me regarding the money:

Peter Pan

Oh, cmon! How are you going to phish if you dont take your sh*t serious, dear phisher? Well at least, its Darth Vader or Sauron.

But I did have a good 3-second laugh, thanks, anyway!

Yes, I know it's still 2012. When the clock tells me it's 2013, I will be too lazy to summarize it. Besides, Doomsdays is coming, we probably wouldn't have seen the new year. Yeap, I know. Again. Only silly people will believe Doomsdays is true, right? How could they not see the real threat is Juno?

Moving the range one month ahead, so when it's said 2012 in this post, it means from December, 2011 to November, 2012. First, starts with the summary in case you just want to read the numbers.


  • Blog: 331 posts and 85 comments.
  • Code: 17,591 additions and 17,874 deletions.
  • Gentoo: 1,056 merges and 999 un-merges.
  • Emails: 750 mails.
  • 4,711 scrobbles ~ 9.8 days (if each track is 3 minute long).
  • Television: 1,240 episodes ~ 52 days.
  • Film: 29 films ~ 2 days.
  • mt: 265.
  • gad: 35.47 (yjlv) + 76.18 (brps) = 111.65.


Basics numbers

331 Posts       378.730 per year   31.561 per month
 85 Comments     97.257 per year    8.105 per months  0.257 per post

First post                     <-  0.9 years ->                      Last post
One-liner text using jQuery... <-  10 months -> Stack Overflow testing revi...
2012-01-16 11:53:00-08:00      <-   319 days ->      2012-11-30 14:34:00-08:00

331 Posts    210 Updated (after 11 days, 3:10:58.704524 in average)

106,338 Words     321.263 per post
541,550 Chars   1,636.103 per post
  1,574 Labels      4.755 per post

With addition 10 spam comments. Most used word is, well, the "I," 3,170 times. I really need to quit that, heck, it's I++.

Only 321 words per post, it's not very long. I wish my posts will reach 1,000 words in average in the future, though I won't keep that in mind when writing. Blogging shouldn't be like that, it should go with the flow of mood, not the word count.

Most commented posts

   25 ( 29.4%): Full referrer URL in Google Analytics reports
    9 ( 10.6%): Sigh, glad I still have Disqus on my side
    5 (  5.9%): Bored? Have some random eats with recipes on ActiveState Code
    5 (  5.9%): Let your readers decide when to load Disqus
    4 (  4.7%): The Reading list in Blogger Dashboard
    3 (  3.5%): GitHub following and watching graph
    3 (  3.5%): Silly retard filename for removal
    3 (  3.5%): Three years with Gentoo
    3 (  3.5%): Custom date time format in Google Docs Spreadsheets
    2 (  2.4%): Fus Ro Dah!
I can't even remember 7 of them which were written in 2012. It's not like I forgot the content, just too many posts that I couldn't recall when I wrote them.

Distribution of posting and comments

. By Year and Month ..........................................................

YYYY-MM  Posts                             |                          Comments
2012-01  16                           #####|                                 0
2012-02  42                   #############|##                               2
2012-03  94 ###############################|#####                            5
2012-04  89   #############################|############################### 27
2012-05  32                      ##########|##                               2
2012-06  24                         #######|####                             4
2012-07  10                             ###|##########################      23
2012-08   0                                |                                 0
2012-09   0                                |#########                        8
2012-10   0                                |#####                            5
2012-11  24                         #######|##########                       9

. By Day of Month ............................................................

Day  Posts                               |                            Comments
 01   9                ##################|####                               1
 02  16 #################################|                                   0
 03  11            ######################|########################           5
 04   6                      ############|########################           5
 05   9                ##################|####                               1
 06  16 #################################|##############                     3
 07  12          ########################|################################## 7
 08  10              ####################|###################                4
 09  12          ########################|################################## 7
 10  10              ####################|################################## 7
 11  12          ########################|#############################      6
 12   5                        ##########|########################           5
 13  15    ##############################|###################                4
 14   8                  ################|                                   0
 15   9                ##################|####                               1
 16  14      ############################|                                   0
 17   6                      ############|#########                          2
 18  12          ########################|##############                     3
 19  11            ######################|#########                          2
 20   8                  ################|#########                          2
 21   9                ##################|#########                          2
 22  15    ##############################|                                   0
 23  14      ############################|########################           5
 24  10              ####################|####                               1
 25  16 #################################|                                   0
 26  10              ####################|#########                          2
 27  12          ########################|####                               1
 28  15    ##############################|##############                     3
 29   5                        ##########|#########                          2
 30   7                    ##############|##############                     3
 31   7                    ##############|####                               1

. By Hour of Day .............................................................

Hour Posts                               |                            Comments
 01   9                ##################|####                               1
 02  16 #################################|                                   0
 03  11            ######################|########################           5
 04   6                      ############|########################           5
 05   9                ##################|####                               1
 06  16 #################################|##############                     3
 07  12          ########################|################################## 7
 08  10              ####################|###################                4
 09  12          ########################|################################## 7
 10  10              ####################|################################## 7
 11  12          ########################|#############################      6
 12   5                        ##########|########################           5
 13  15    ##############################|###################                4
 14   8                  ################|                                   0
 15   9                ##################|####                               1
 16  14      ############################|                                   0
 17   6                      ############|#########                          2
 18  12          ########################|##############                     3
 19  11            ######################|#########                          2
 20   8                  ################|#########                          2
 21   9                ##################|#########                          2
 22  15    ##############################|                                   0
 23  14      ############################|########################           5
 24  10              ####################|####                               1


29 (  1.8%): Bash
28 (  1.8%): Python
26 (  1.7%): thought
22 (  1.4%): JavaScript
22 (  1.4%): Blogger
17 (  1.1%): shell scripting
13 (  0.8%): Gentoo
12 (  0.8%): Song of the Day
12 (  0.8%): Google
10 (  0.6%): email

Numbers from Google Analytics

Compare to 2011, the numbers are doubled, even four months have no new posts. In Blogger Stats, the pageviews are 172,645, that's 42.7% more than 120,945 in Google Analytics.

Top posts haven't changed much, three posts written in 2012 got into the list.

As for traffic sources, more people from search engine, which is not what I wanted at all.

Television shows and films

In 2012, I watched 1,240 episodes of television shows and 29 films. Just for rough average number 1,240 * 1h + 29 * 2h = 1,240 hours + 58 hours ~= 54 days.

Holy cow, 54 days! I spent two months on watching television shows and films in 2012.

I wish I was wrong but I took very detail records. After I watch an episode, I use VimNotes to take a record with timestamp. One episode per line, so grep and wc can get the correct numbers. I have been keeping record since October, 2010.

If I was able to count my time spent on YouTube, that would definitely contribute a lot.


17,591 additions and 17,874 deletions. Only count towards some of my own repositories.

More than two years ago, I posted Finding large emails in Gmail using Python IMAP with XOAuth, which was really not an easy way if you don't know how to run a Python script.

Now, Gmail finally supports new operators for such task:

size: Search for messages larger than the specified size in bytes Example: size:1000000
Meaning: All messages larger than 1MB (1,000,000 bytes) in size.
Similar to size: but allows abbreviations for numbers Example: larger:10M
Meaning: All messages of at least 10M bytes (10,000,000 bytes) in size.

And this is my test:

It also supports date ranges, no need to browse through pages for old emails anymore. It's fast, only took than more than two years to develop.

This spam is extremely lawl:

Was this guy writing to his god? The god of fortune, meaning $$$.

I love your blog and religiously follow it.

This line is too hilarious, I must say.

He mentions "Copyscape," so I looked up for it, it's a service which can search for duplicate content, wholly or partially. I think he actually means 100% free from Copyscape detection. His content must be stolen from others with some deliberate modification, or he wouldn't need to mention such thing.

Beside me, there were other 5 recipients of this email. I wonder if anyone really wants to contact this guy. My advise to this kind of email: It's a TRAP!

Even this guy does delivery a guest post if it's free of charge, which I don't believe this is the case, it's just a way for them to trick search engine and get a free link-in for their crappy website; if not, I'd say you must be a rich guy to pay someone to write a piece of garbage. Just look at those sample titles, typical for trash posts, that looks like being generated. I guess I can write a generator just for fun for computer technical posts.

I think this thing is called buying/selling content according the sidebar of Copyscape. If a blogger buys content, that's a shame and how dare him or her could call self as a blogger. Every time, a good stuff gets invented, some people always try to make money out of it in an ugly way. Sad.

Spam reported.

6:45am, just woke up, showered, a cup of coffee in my hand wiping away the cute sleepy bugs in my head. Checking other stuff first, skimming over blog posts, updates, blah and blahs.

It's time to deal with the mails which I knew I had a few from my notification program, but I didn't peek at mail subjects.

Well, 3 spams out of 5 emails, that's quite a surprise, considering this is the Gmail, which was said having the most incredible algorithm, even A.I. perhaps?

To be more surprised is they are all marked as Important, WTF indeed. Cheers to the glorious superb filter to show me how important they were, so I could spot right on them as spams and send them into spam folder. I got it, that's the whole Gmail spam prevention strategy, let users deal with them after mark them as important.

Is Gmail officially screwed by spams?

Dear Mrs. Louise Howard,

I am honored that you trust me in the faith of god, he has plan for you and that's reason you found me you don't even know my name. In god's hand, you know you don't have doubts about my honesty. With that, I would need to tell a few things first.

First of all, in these days, people don't read, 100 words probably are the limitation. Please try to provide tl;dr next time you are about to meet the lord again.

We all know how devoted you are as a Christian, however, every time you mention Christian, certain disease or cancer, plus your reason of being inability to respond, those would greatly diminish the willing of acceptance from the possible millions of recipients which you have sent emails to.

Lastly, you may want to choose the assistant carefully. For this instance, your doctor seems unable to press Space properly, which makes your message harder to read. Please advise your doctor to see another doctor, his or her thumb may need medical examination. I will pray for your doctor, hopefully there is nothing serious, I rather not to be entitled as your doctor's beneficiary, it will be very sad that another good person would die after you.

As I said, I am honored. Unfortunately, $12.8 million dollars, either USD or GBP, are not enough for me to manage for you since each recipient can only receive, say 1 million of recipients, $12.8 dollar before any taxes and expenses. The time is hard for everyone, if you can die another 999 times, that would be $12.8 billion dollars and $12,800 each would be enough to be used wisely.

Speaking in front of god, there shall no lies to be told. I suggest that you keep the money and, excuse me for being utterly honest, start looking for a nice coffin. Even if others all accept, $12.8 dollars can still buy you a perfectly glued paper coffin with fine painting outside.

Two months are long enough before you step into your grave. I am sure the hospital staff can be very helpful in providing aid in that regard, they have plenty of experience with people such as you.

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
Galatians 6:7, ESV

God bless you,
Yu-Jie Lin

I don't want to take away the effort which the developer of markdown-here (seen via GitHub Explore) has put into this browser extension and addon, but I found it's unbelievable to spend a lot of time for a solution when there is a very simple one already lies around within arm's reach.

First of all, he gets it all wrong. Having Markdown support in webmail client is not a solution for his problem which he describes in the README:

Writing email with code in it is pretty tedious. Writing Markdown with code in it is easy. I found myself writing email in Markdown in the Github in-browser editor, then copying the preview into email. This is a pretty absurd workflow, so I decided create a tool to write and render Markdown right in the email. [emphasis mine]

He is right, that workflow is tedious, however the problem is not the workflow, but why chose a workflow isn't necessary in the first place. Hacking Markdown into webmail client is not a solution, but another problem, this reminds me of that two problems. Just to see the first #1 to #6 issues, he is only troubling himself. Hacking someone's web interface is never be a good idea, a lot of element ID or class may change in any time, eventually your hack becomes useless, then you need to push another silly patch for the name changes. And such changes are relatively easy to fix, sometimes, you need to intercept for timing. It is all nasty hacks, not worth doing it. To describe its worthiness if you must, one word: "fancy."

Take a look at Markdown code in the screenshot, whether you know about Markdown syntax or not, don't you agree Markdown code is fairly human-readable? So, one solution has already presented itself: simply writing an email in Markdown in plain text.

The only (and actual) problem remains is the variable-width font. Many webmail clients don't have options for fonts, which is the real problem.

I have fixed that issue with Pentadactyl, simple user style resolves the whole issue easily. You don't need an extension go through all sorts of problems and it may break anytime. Just change the font to fixed-width font. I have Gmail and Google Groups use fixed-width font, it's much easier to read about technical content. It's lightweight, no need for a big extension, inserting a CSS rule solves the problem.

In my honest opinion, rich formatting has never been good for writing emails just as if you try to write in word processor. You spend a lot of time on messing around the typesetting with nothing actually written. But mind you, by no means that I am saying you should avoid them, please don't misunderstand.

Many of emails looks like being painted by a 3-year-old. So are some blogs, have you ever seen a blog which has each post written with different fonts and text sizes? That's just horrible and they has more colors than a rainbow in single post.

People wants to write an attractive and/or professional looking email, catching your eyes whatever the word they want you to read twice, so they mark it bold, make it italic, highlight with red color, brush with white background. At this moment, nothing is going to stop them going further, font size goes up 2 scales, then one scale more, change font, draw a underline, prefix and append a smiley, align to center, make font size even bigger until they fill up the entire width. That's a hell of email, literally.

If you are saying some people just can't the important parts of your email, therefore you need to use rich formatting. Then, either you such at writing or that person is not a good reader when the email has 100 words. To be honest, how many times you have written emails longer than that?

Plain text is good enough to speak up your mind, learn to use *, _, indentation, and footnoting. That's enough to write a good and clear email, even for topics like coding. You don't even need to write in Markdown, just write an email as you usually do. Heck, just write an email as if you are writing a real-life letter if you still do.

One thing important to remember is email is a general communication tool. If you want to talk about code, that's fine, but you need to know the limitation, know when to stop, know when to move on to the right platform for continuation, such as an issue tracker. Pasting a whole code in email body for discussion only shows you don't know what you are doing, use the right tool.

Reading is as important as writing, and it's not hard, the only thing you need is time. Just sit down and read a word after another, that's it.

Reading a good-written email is like reading a good article, have you ever read a story on front page of newspaper with bold type, italic type, etc? Do they read unclear or confusing? A good writer doesn't need those to emphasize his or her points, the words already do. (Hench, I am not one)

Back to markdown-here, again, I don't want to take away his effort. So if you like coding or trying new stuff, go ahead to install it and help develop it. I am sure it's a good extension and if you get asked 'why,' you can answer 'because I can.'

If you agree with me, share your tips of writing emails; if not, feel free to express, I am looking forward to reading why my points are wrong.

title: Where is dat imporant words in this phishing email, Gmail?

Gmail failed on filtering out phising email again, a big time:

Oh, cmon, its body is empty, where is dat important words? It doesnt even have a subject line, alright, it has. cc, really, Gmail? What, attachment filename, you serious?

Here is a screenshot of that email, glad that Google Docs provides viewing on the net, so I dont need to download it and worry if it contains virus, though Gmail said it has scanned it. But, even it really has virus, it may need to be specifically designed for attacking on Linux.

The ridiculous content is old, but method is little bit new to me by using attachment. Poor Coca Cola, a victim as well.

1   Archive

1.1   Email headers

Received: by with SMTP id ct5csp181759wib;
        Wed, 18 Apr 2012 00:01:23 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with SMTP id h8mr1003624yhe.79.1334732483236;
        Wed, 18 Apr 2012 00:01:23 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from ( [])
        by with ESMTP id q25si22785285yhj.122.2012.;
        Wed, 18 Apr 2012 00:01:23 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of client-ip=;
Authentication-Results:; spf=neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of
X-Spam-Rating: None
X_CMAE_Category: 0,0 Undefined,Undefined
X-CNFS-Analysis: v=1.1 cv=+PD7zhiQh4wHAkX2ildB6Hz7oVUY6cTH2eYUHJ1YceI= c=1 sm=0 a=-4BUNljfCKEA:10 a=FKkrIqjQGGEA:10 a=AhRLOILGsKkA:10 a=gv4l6aEeuxxzeCLns_sA:9 a=K-QaQ4hbBhWg8AMYVz4A:7 a=QEXdDO2ut3YA:10 a=_W_S_7VecoQA:10 a=aIyur2oi7UP9Z7IZqwkA:9 a=IKIoO-ieCDEA:10 a=QLvOlBIuGJjmAZ5IHHaCwQ==:117
X-CM-Score: 0
X-Scanned-by: Cloudmark Authority Engine
Authentication-Results:; spf=neutral
Received-SPF: neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by domain of
Received: from [] ([]
 by (envelope-from )
 (ecelerity r(29895/29896)) with ESMTP
 id 07/63-15061-0C66E8F4; Wed, 18 Apr 2012 03:01:20 -0400
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 03:01:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: Roland Mkemoff
Message-ID: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: cc
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Originating-IP: []
X-Mailer: Zimbra 6.0.5_GA_2328.RHEL5_64 (ZimbraWebClient - SAF3 (Win)/6.0.15_GA_2995)

1.2   Text of attachment, award.docx

         This is to inform you that your email address has won prize money of (500,000.00) GBP for been an active web-email user. This Lottery promotion was organized by COCA COLA PLC.

A cheque of 500,000.00 GBP has been issued against your winning email and has been forward to Fair Ways Courier Company for delivery to your country of residence.
You are required to contact us with the details below to claim your winnings

1. Full name:
2. Contact Address:
3. Age:
4. Telephone Number
5. Sex:
6. Occupation:
7. State:
8. Country:
9. Nationality:


MR Dave Dawes

I am 100% sure this is a phishing email:

Received: by with SMTP id ct5csp55673wib;
        Mon, 2 Apr 2012 05:21:52 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with SMTP id m28mr3395729bkw.102.1333369312770;
        Mon, 02 Apr 2012 05:21:52 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( [])
        by with SMTP id m12si9866336bke.54.2012.;
        Mon, 02 Apr 2012 05:21:52 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender)
Received: (qmail 20697 invoked by uid 507); 2 Apr 2012 12:24:48 -0000
Received: from (HELO microsof-3d23a2) (
  by with SMTP; 2 Apr 2012 12:24:48 -0000
From: "Dmitry" <> 
To: "" <>
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2012 15:18:11 +0300
Subject: Stamps
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=koi8-r
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-Mailer: aspNetEmail ver
Message-ID: <MICROSOF-3D23A2729a3bd99bc941e7b115c64fc377066b@microsof-3d23a2>

Good afternoon=2E My name is Zaharchenko Dmitry=2E I live in Ukraine=2E I=
 collect stamps from every corner of the globe=2E This hobby Has passed t=
o me from the father and now I want that then my small son was fond of it=
 also=2E In internet I find much Information on stamps and collectors, I =
strike up with them acquaintances and I change stamps=2E In the same plac=
e I have found also your E-mail=2E I would like you to ask, if to you it =
is not difficult, to send to me for collection replenishment any stamps w=
hich you presume to send by post=2E I hope for an early reply and your re=
sponsiveness=2E=0D=0A   With best regards=0D=0A  Zaharchenko Dmitry=2E=0D=
=0A=0D=0AMy postal address:=0D=0Apr=2EM=2EZhukova 88-61 =0D=0AMariupol=0D=
=0AUkraine=0D=0A87503=0D=0ADmitry Zakharchenko=0D=0A

And I found someone use the exactly same sentence but different name:

They are so dumb, can't even make a record where they scraped my email address, so they can include the source to increase their phishing credibility from somewhere like -99^99 to -99^99 + 1.

Stamp collecting? LOL. And never a once ask me where I am from, really, go read "Phishing 101" or "Phishing for Dummies", or "Teach Yourself Phishing in 7 days."

Don't waste our time, loser.

PS. Zaharchenko Dmitry, I will give you a discount for those books, send me 50 bucks in USD via Paypal, I will send you those three books to your mailing address, S/H included, custom not. Whatcha say?

Yesterday, when I was reading my custom Full Referrer URL report, I saw an Email button (with BETA label alongside). This was added back in last November.

Out of curiosity and hopefully there would be some convenience from this feature, I decided to try it out:

Today, I got the email and realized it's an attachment (of course). There is no direct way to view within Gmail, I had to open it with a local program to view. The file format like CSV or TSV is not very friendlily human-readable, there is no alignment across columns. So I am not sure what's the point of sending this format regularly.

I doubt anyone have patience to import the file into spreadsheet for custom analysis every day. Weekly, maybe. That is only reason I can think of why you need such function. But if you do, then using API will be much smarter way to do like I do to generate my daily reports. I am just too lazy to customize one for this Full Referrer URL report which only have a few entries a day, it is not really worth my time.

After I read that announcement post, it reminded me that there is a PDF export version option. I resent the report with PDF and only once (in Frequency) to have a sneak preview. I think this is the best way to review the report, Gmail supports PDF format, you don't even need to have a local PDF viewer program. You can just view it online, awesome! This is a sample:

I reset for a new schedule for PDF version and make it active for 12 months. You can delete or edit scheduled emails from Admin Assets Scheduled Emails.

I didn't fabricate this. It's really sent from "Google Wage!" It is legitimate.

The new Google Wage team probably can't wait to cash out before they push out the new product. ;)

I remember it's topic when wave was in beta. I think it never got out of beta, did it? Then, suddenly it was axed with other products if I recall correctly.

I played a while but not really interested in it but it was something different I would say.

Ending with a typo, not bad at all.

This spam email really crapped me up.

Firstly, it is "TOP SECRET." At first, it got me excited and I thought: now comes with the CIA? Black-ops? What a such disappointment, it wasn't. Just another stupid spam about a lot of imaginary money.

Then, I noticed the location. It's a long word, you have to notice. Ouagadougou? Where the hell is that? Or is that even spoken in African languages? Heck, I need to check Wikipedia in order to find its location and which country it belongs to. Burkina Faso, where is that again?

Come on, spammers, give me dat instructions for meeting the secret handler, so I can exchange the package! And please pick up a city whose name I can pronounce, thanks!

Big LOL!

I always clean up my spam box and sometimes I did have a good laugh. This kind is new to me.

Well, at least, it's not as if I am going to have another imaginary million dollars from some widow or widower writing me from a place I have never heard before without my email address in To field.

I checked the original mail and saw that's linked to Google Docs Spreadsheet. I felt safe, so I copied the link and opened it, but Google said "Page Not Found" (as you can see in the third tab). Only 42 minutes (I believe it's quick), it has been taken down, I guess.

you are to carefully fill in your email account details.

Especially, my PASSWORD, right?


Gmail supports new operators for size range searching, see my blog post about them. (2012-11-14)

After I posted about using Googles Python XOAuth library to get the unread mail count and list, I finally found a good reason to use IMAP, you can search based on the message size! Which you cant do in the web interface.

typ, data =, '(SMALLER %d) (LARGER %d)' % (MAXSIZE * 1000, MINSIZE * 1000))

That is just great but not awesome because Gmails IMAP server does not support SORT command, which is an IMAP4rev1 extension command, according to Python doc.

The entire source code is the similar to the one in my previous post:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2010 Yu-Jie Lin
# BSD license

import email
import email.header
import imaplib
import sys

import xoauth

scope = ''
consumer = xoauth.OAuthEntity('anonymous', 'anonymous')
imap_hostname = ''

# How many messages will be fetched for listing?

  import config
except ImportError:
  class Config():
  config = Config()

def get_access_token():

  request_token = xoauth.GenerateRequestToken(
      consumer, scope, nonce=None, timestamp=None,

  oauth_verifier = raw_input('Enter verification code: ').strip()
    access_token = xoauth.GetAccessToken(
        consumer, request_token, oauth_verifier, config.google_accounts_url_generator)
  except ValueError:
    # Could indicate failure of authentication because verifier is incorrect
    print 'Incorrect verification code?'
  return access_token

def main():

  # Checking user email and access token
  if not hasattr(config, 'user') or not hasattr(config, 'access_token'):
    config.user = raw_input('Please enter your email address: ')
    config.google_accounts_url_generator = xoauth.GoogleAccountsUrlGenerator(config.user)
    access_token = get_access_token()
    config.access_token = {'key': access_token.key, 'secret': access_token.secret}
    # XXX save token, this is not a good way, I'm too lazy to use something
    # like shelve.
    f = open('', 'w')
    f.write('user = %s\n' % repr(config.user))
    f.write('access_token = %s\n' % repr(config.access_token))
    print '\n\ written.\n\n'

  config.google_accounts_url_generator = xoauth.GoogleAccountsUrlGenerator(config.user)
  access_token = xoauth.OAuthEntity(config.access_token['key'], config.access_token['secret'])

  # Generate xoauth string
  class ImBad():
    # I'm bad because I'm going to shut xoauth's mouth up. So you won't see these debug messages:
    # signature base string:
    # GET&
    # xoauth string (before base64-encoding):
    # GET oauth_co...
    def write(self, msg): pass
  sys.stdout = ImBad()
  xoauth_string = xoauth.GenerateXOauthString(
      consumer, access_token, config.user, 'IMAP',
      xoauth_requestor_id=None, nonce=None, timestamp=None)
  sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

  MINSIZE = int(raw_input('Larger than in KB [1000]? ') or 1000)
  MAXSIZE = int(raw_input('Smaller than in KB [5000]? ') or 5000)
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Wrong size range!'
  imap_conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_hostname)
  imap_conn.authenticate('XOAUTH', lambda x: xoauth_string)'[Gmail]/All Mail', readonly=True)
  typ, data =, '(SMALLER %d) (LARGER %d)' % (MAXSIZE * 1000, MINSIZE * 1000))
  # No SORT command on Gmail IMAP server
  #typ, data = imap_conn.sort('(REVERSE SIZE)', 'UTF-8', '(LARGER %d)' % SIZE)
  unreads = data[0].split()
  print '%d messages are between %d and %d KB.' % (len(unreads), MINSIZE, MAXSIZE)
  ids = ','.join(unreads[:MAX_FETCH])
  if ids:
    print 'Listing %d messages:' % min(len(unreads), MAX_FETCH)
    typ, data = imap_conn.fetch(ids, '(RFC822.HEADER)')
    for item in data:
      if isinstance(item, tuple):
        raw_msg = item[1]
        msg = email.message_from_string(raw_msg)
        # Some email's header are encoded, for example: '=?UTF-8?B?...'
        print '\033[1;35m%s\033[0m: \033[1;32m%s\033[0m' % (

if __name__ == '__main__':

The output would look like:

% python2.5 ./
Larger than in KB [1000]?
Smaller than in KB [5000]?

23 messages are between 1000 and 5000 KB.

Listing 20 messages:
[messages here]

The search would take quite a lot of time to complete, up to minutes. So, please be patient.

I want to find those big emails because I couldnt figure out why 9,085 emails can take up to 543 MB in my Gmail. I found the biggest mail, 15,189KB, 2.80% of used space. Second and third takes 9,366 and 7,659KB, together take 3.14%.

I set up SSMTP with Gmail because I wanted to get mails for cron results.

I have these in /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf:


Make sure this is only root-and-ssmtp-readable.

And /etc/ssmtp/revaliases:


You can test with

echo mailbody | mail -v -s "mail subject"
echo mailbody | sendmail -v

I dont have this mail command on my Gentoo, but it seems popular in every page I have read.

If you want to send a more complete test email via sendmail you can

echo -e "Subject: mail subject\nTo:\n\nmailbody" | sendmail -v

Photo credit: Abidjan Panorama by k_r_o_42

Dear Mrs. Susan Morgan,

I am sorry for your health condition, but please allow me to bring up your original letter first:
from Susan Morgan <>
date Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 01:12
subject From Mrs Susan Morgan

From Mrs Susan Morgan

BP [38 Rue Des Martyrs Cocody

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

I am the above named person from Kuwait. I am married to Mr.Abram Morgan, who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in the year 2004. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days.

Before his death we were both born again Christian. since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $2. 5 Million (Two Million and Five Hundred thousand U.S. Dollars) in the bank here in Abidjan in suspense account.

Presently, the fund is still with the bank. Recently, my Doctor told me that i have seriouly sickness which is cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a church or individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want a church that will use this fund for orphanages, widows, propagating the word of God and to endeavour that the house of God is maintained.

The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because I dont have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians and I dont want my husbands efforts to be used by unbelievers. I dont want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision. I am not afraid of death hence i know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the Lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.

I dont need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my husbands relatives is around me always I don't want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank here in Abidjan. I want you and the church to always pray for me because the Lord is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and Truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.

Contact me through my e-mail address for more informations, any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another church or individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein. Hoping to receive your reply. Remain blessed in the Lord.

Yours in Christ,
Mrs Susan Morgan.
Obviously, we have never met before or you would know I can read Chinese and greeting me in Chinese. You are currently in Abidjan, Lagunes Côte d'Ivoire, I guess you've been many places, such as China and Japan.

I am overwhelmed that you picked me to follow your will. If I do get the money, I am willing to dedicate my life for propagating the word of God, ... to look after orphans and widows in their distress... James 1:27, NIV.

US$2.5 Million (Two Million and Five Hundred thousand U.S. Dollars) are not a small number. That will be a big challenge for me to manage, but I am sure that I am capable to do well in names of God. ...with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26, NIV.

I understand that you don't want to communicate on phone, under your current circumstance, that must be hard to find someone can trust and also a dedicated Christian. prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6, NIV, he always listen to everyone with faithful heart. Soon, he will bring you to whom you are keeping seeking.

Lastly, ...We constantly pray for you...that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. 2 Thes. 1:11, NIV, I will pray for your for your health.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I am no Christian, I am kind of atheist.

Sincerely yours,
Yu-Jie Lin