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I dont know how many of you have watched Star Trek television series, and how many of whom have watched this particular episode, The Inner Light.

The Inner Light from Star Trek The Next Generation on STL Ocarina

I watched this episode many years ago, but I must admit I wasnt actually drawn into it at first, not until Picard or Kamin sitting on the steps and playing this song with his brass Ressikan flute. Its the music got me back to the story, the second time I watched it, I didnt miss any bit. If you never watched it, this ending shall shade some light on what this episode would be for you.

It has no battles, no phases or torpedoes, nothing gets your blood pumping, but its filled with the inner light. Interesting enough, this episode has become one of my favorite of all Star Trek episodes.

Unfortunately, I couldnt find any clips on YouTube, the very close was still frame, so I decided to put a video has only to do with the music. However, if you want to watch a clip, here is one from Lessons, Picards duet with Nella Daren at the fourth intersect in Jefferies tube 25. This episode is also my favorite, guess I like watching some inner struggling and pang.

Interesting post, NASA discovers portals.

In the end of the post, it says:

However, theres no doubt that this is a pretty cool announcement. Just not one that we can use to get to Tatooine or the Delta Quadrant.

Recently, I re-watched The Omega Directive episode of Star Trek: Voyager again. I probably have watched the series at least three or four times. I can tell you this, no one wants a portal to Delta Quadrant, because Borg is there! And more formidable enemy, Species 8472 by Borgs designation, even Borg fears them. I think we need Captain Janeway, the old one.

Sigh, why is there no more Star Trek series? Dont understand why people lose interest of space sci-fi, but not those nothing-is-real-but-scripted-reality-shows. If you want reality, go out; need some drama? look around, plenty.

Finally, another Friday the 13th!

Wait, why am I so happy for it? Duh, you hardly have it once a while. What about leap day? Who cares about that unless you were born on that date. Sorry, leap day birthday boys and girls, but you just have one legitimate birthday two months ago.

According to Wikipedia:

On average, there is a Friday the 13th once every 212.35 days (compared to Thursday the 13th, which occurs only once every 213.59 days).

The distribution of the 13th day over the 4,800 months is as follows:
Day of the week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Number of occurrences 687 685 685 687 684 688 684

You only have one Friday the 13th nearly every 7 months on average. But for more interesting fact is Friday 13th occurs little more often than 13th on other days. Does that mean we are doomed if you believe Friday 13th is bad luck?

Well, that may be possible and 2012 Apocalypse could be like nothing at all after you read the following from same Wikipedia article:

The asteroid 99942 Apophis will make a close encounter with Earth, closer than the orbits of communication satellites, on April 13, 2029.

Furthermore on 99942 Apophis:

However, a possibility remained that during the 2029 close encounter with Earth, Apophis would pass through a gravitational keyhole, a precise region in space no more than about a half-mile wide, that would set up a future impact on April 13, 2036.


As of October 7, 2009, the probability of an April 13, 2036 impact is considered to be 1 in 250,000.

Boy, how can you not like this 1 in 250,000 chance? It's much better than hitting the Jackpot of Mega Millions. 1 in 175,711,536, okay, much much more better. You don't even need to buy a lottery ticket and everyone is eligible to win it and it is automatically collected. No need to worry about your identity to be revealed or become a mystery. Don't worry about being contacted for a interview or potential documentary. Need no fear of money that could tear your life apart or change your personality or your family. Worry not about self-titled-friends show up at doorstep telling your about their mothers falls of stairs and break bones, need a huge amount of money. With 2036 Global Jackpot, everyone is the winner, you get nothing to worry about the previous nonsense. Shame, April 13, 2036 is not a Friday.

If Apophis doesn't hit us or you can't wait, be sure to check out the possible lotteries table that NASA put up for us. There are many more lotteries which provide much higher winning odd than Apophis.

Truly, you don't need to concern if you don't like winning such lottery. By the time of impact if there is a definitive one, and if we humans haven't nuked the hell out of each other, we probably can already develop much more powerful space missile and kick the asteroid's ass before it even gets close to Mars's Solar System's orbit.

If we can't stop the asteroid, Skynet probably can save us while they control the ground. If Skynet can't, T-Virus may already transform us into zombies and zombies don't feel anything. So, we are totally fine.

If none of those happens, we only need to survive from World War III and wait for the alcoholic Dr. to build the first man-made warp-capable engine in April, 2063, then Vulcans will come to us! Even Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his Enterprise will be here, too. They can just use tractor beam to alter asteroid path.  It's already written. We will be fine.

Okay, what if asteroid impact before 2063? Easy, we just demand Stargate Command for free passage, all humans relocate to other planets. Problem solved.

Hold on a minute, asteroid? What the heck?

Back to the Friday. Speaking of Friday, you getta have the lamest theme songs: Friday and T.G.I.F. (in 80s)!

I have to say I had never watched those two music videos before. After I watched them, I realized that Void Rays really is a parody. Then WTF, Rebecca Black is in T.G.I.F., later WTFF, Kenny G?

Finally, WTFFF is this post? I'm not even drinking.

Prompt: Alien.

Tomorrow morning you wake up to find a visitor from another planet, on your doorstep. What do you say to it?

Who the hell are you? You are supposed to be a Vulcan!

After submitted, I found it missed something, I decided to expand it a little bit.

"Who the hell are you? You are supposed to be a Vulcan!" I yells after being forced out of my morning shower with a huge rush by unstoppable doorbell rings and seeing the most important first contact event in human history being ruined by this wrong alien species.

The alien looks hurt and confused, but I am not a kind person at all.

"For whatsoever's  sake, you are not even little or... or green!"

I must have hurt this alien's self-esteem because its face contorts pretty ugly.


I slam the door shut as hard as I can, angrily walks back to bathroom.

I just stepped one foot on bathroom floor.


The alien bangs my door, I am pissed off now and ready for a fight.

I open the front door for the second time this morning.

"What on Earth do you want?!"

The alien pulls out something from behind and holds that shining thing in hand.

"Oh, shit!" I gasp.


That was me falling on floor.

I am staring at the ceiling faintly, I wondered...

How do aliens know about ringing a doorbell and banging a door?

before my last breath.