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Showing posts with label Graphviz. Show all posts

I somehow I stumbled upon this thread, I thought I should try to build one.

I began to think what program can do this then GNU/Linux distro timeline showed me the light, a project called gnuclad. I downloaded gldts source, I started to write with my entries.

Here is what I have now

Its still a mess, many still missing, dates probably incorrect. Its really hard to recall when you had used something after so many years.

The first program came up in my mind is not gnuclad, but Graphviz, I found this pdf. The last page is a timeline, but it doesnt have a source code and gnuclad generates prettier result.

I have never heard of gnuclad, so I am still learning, the final timeline will take me a very long time to produce. Once I finish, I will release my code since I derivate mine from a GFDL work.

(Also posted to Gentoo forum)

Seeing a visualized dependency graph of a package should be always interesting. I read a post on Arch Linux Forums, which generates very beautiful images of your Arch Linux. I was thinking to add a support for Gentoo, but after reading the code, I decided to write my own completely.

Actually, I only did a half of work. My code doesn't not render the image but using Graphviz to the job. It requires packages gentoolkit and graphviz. There are few usage examples written at top of the script.

Here are two quick examples: First one is the Dependency of portage

dep graph of package portage on Twitpic

Second one is big, whole world highlighting python.

You can read the code and download it.

The result should be reflecting installed packages and used USE flags on packages at the time of installing. I didn't take a look at the results very deep, so I am not sure if they are 100% correct since I don't know if I interpreted the data from gentoolkit correctly or not.

I think it's fun to see the visualized dependency data. The code needs Graphviz to render the image, and I think I didn't configure it well. So if you generate whole world, the result is hard to read.

Hope you would like it and give me some feedback.