I just finished a simple Bash script, pkg-wheel.sh, which is specially written for Portage. The following image is what packages I have installed:


The image has been reduced to black and white, so it looks very ugly. Here is the SVG version1.

Here is how the current Portage tree looks like:


(No SVG for this one, its about 7-9 MB, just too big!)

The script doesnt have any commandline arguments that you can use, you will have to edit the source code. The default BASE_PATH is set for your installed packages, you can uncomment for other locations. show_package_name enables you turning off package labels so it would not look too messy if too many packages being rendered. show_root would make a huge wheel. When I say huge, I do mean huge! All packages branch out from a single root, so, the image will be HUGE WHEEL! Do not try it at home!

You will need Graphviz to generate the image, this script only generates DOT file for Graphviz to process. You can run:

./pkg-wheel.sh | twopi -Tsvg -oinstalled_packages.svg

My system only have 744 packages installed (still too many), so the image is around 6000-7000 pixels squared if directly generate PNG.

I found the Portage tree image is very interesting, I wonder how those overlays look. Crop circle?.

[1]http://omploader.org/vNWV6bQ/installed.svg is gone.