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Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts shows a calm animation with a music. It looks like a Christmas card on computer screen.

The snowman is adorable with a not-so-little cane. The focal point, the Christmas Tree, stands right in front of you without any snow, it must be a magical tree. Snowing in the background, and smokes come out of chimney, which looks very creative in that ASCII art.

Originally with the first glance, I wished there was a bit of red here and a bit of green there. However, as I look at it more, it doesnt need any colors, simply monochrome does better. Its white and thats Christmas. is written in Bash under the MIT License, currently git-07076bc (2015-12-25) with music Faith Noel (2004) by Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

Cmas is a tiny Christmas tree with red and blue light bulbs blinking alternatively.

Dont want to buy a tree for Christmas, this would do. Maybe.

Cmas was created by Taylor Hoff, written in C++ under the GPLv3, currently git-08d594c (2015-05-31, post v1.0 (2015-05-26)).

Not your usual terminal! And dont actually use it, its not practical and you may need to see a doctor for your eyes if you use it for too long. Just made it for fun.


In 2015, has been updated, the following video shows the newer version. (2015-12-01T08:41:20Z)

You can get on Gist.

I basically took codes of Terminal Widget from Urwid and twisted them a bit. Since its easy to access each character and their (color) attributes, so I assign the red and green colors and add a very simple falling snow effect. The code definitely does not run efficiently, but its just for fun.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Follow the instruction to download and to install. You need to turn off desktop icon. Open gconf-editor, uncheck show_desktop under /apps/nautilus/preferences.

Snow plugin of Compiz Fusion

The Compiz Fusion from official repo does not have Snow plugin. So install compiz-fusion from non-official repo.

Before you can use this plugin, you need a snow image, download the snowflakes or mine. In CompizConfig Settings Manager, type snow to search for snow plugin. Enable it and add images under Textures tab. Press Super+F3 to enjoy!