This morning after making a coffee and nuts cake, I went on to graft for second round. Yesterdays graft did fail, both basil and tomato wilted lifelessly. I chose the rootstocks and started with mint onto basil, which took me forever to graft. They were so tiny if using cleft graft, 2mm at most, the stock just could hold the scion tight while I was wrapping the plastic. When its basil onto mint, I decided to do wipe-tongue graft, although I kind of did it wrong by not cutting a slope.

As for that cake, which turned out more like brownie and slightly oily to handle, but it tasted good, I could smell nuts. While making the cake, I accidentally burned my finger by grasping onto a hot butter knife, which was drying while oven preheating up. The cake contains coffee, which I quit drinking last year, guess I found a loophole, I just hope it wont keep me awake.

I finally made the bird feeder and house, the feeder is made of small plastic bottle with peanut, cashew, almond, Brazils nut, and a few others; the house is made of jug of laundry wash liquid. Everything is in place, just need inhabitants and patrons.

What else:

  • The carrot top has one ~2cm root, finally.
  • While I was paying NHI, I forgot my phone number, I knew the digits, just couldnt figure out the order of them. I had to check my Google account to find out my own number.
  • I also resowing seeds, but I wasnt resowing what were sowed, I decided to replace most with others, sugar snow pea, squash, pumpkin, aubergine, cantaloupe, small bell pepper, and luffa.
  • While checking the seeds in handmade seed envelopes, I realized that I could reverse the envelop and even cross the written text. One envelop can be used for four times at least.
  • That purple dick seed pod is funny, I put a few last seed pods in an envelope to dry, and they pop now and then, making quite loud pop noise, too bad they were not popcorn.