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Showing posts with label xjump. Show all posts

GNUjump is a clone of xjump aka. FALLING TOWER, it uses SDL and has a lot of more options, it also supports multiplayer.

GNUjump 1.0.8 with wincrash theme, watch in SDLjump theme

It has much more options, you can change game settings, such as FPS and trailing effect; video, such as using OpenGL and antialiasing; and sound volumes. Beside the must-have high scores, a replay feature, so you can watch other peoples playing.

The sound effect is hilarious, not your usual sounds, but someones vocals, watch the video and you will hear those.

Here are the four themes.

xjump is a jumping platform game, all you do is jump and jump and jump.

Default, Ion, and Jump n Bump

Its fairly easy to play and also easy to fall of edges, wasd, hjkl, or arrows to move or jump, also Space to jump and P to pause or resume.

There is a timer ticking, and slowly you will be forced to go up and only up, falling back down wont be a platform to catch you. It comes with three themes as you can see on the right.

Not really sure why its also named FALLING TOWER, because you will fall of the platforms of a tower?