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As I said in my previous post, I added two sources: I Quotes and QDB.

Now the login screen looks even more interesting. Both sources provide API, so there was not much trouble to utilize both of them.

First one has already wrapped the text (I think it's 80 characters), which might not be suitable for every console since screen sizes vary. QDB provides a feed, simply use xmllint to get what I want as I did with That's What She Said.

I wasn't thinking QDB was possible to use, because the site I knew was not I don't know what relation is between these two. Could be built by same person, but I am not sure and didn't look into it.

The problem with the first link is there is no API or feed to use, I had been thinking to have it on my computer, but there was no way except scraping that website, which I prefer not to do so.

I hope these two sources will also make you laugh when you are about to log in and start a day. :)

I am reading this thread on FedoraForum, it's too funny to ignore. I picked up few and shared here in order of how I like:
  1. Fedora: to boldly break things that no one has broken before. posted by Shivas
  2. Fedora: To boldly go where no Penguin has gone before. Zigzagcom
  3. Fedora: Hold On to Your Hat, It Might Be A Bumpy Ride. Hlingler
  4. Fedora: Get in, buckle up, hold on and shut up. Dan

I believe that they were inspired by Why is Fedora always seem to be broken? and I agreed with them, but I am still a Fedora user.