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Before I tell you the story, I have another story.

My cat loves sleeping in my bed, but you know that he has to jump up first. Last year, his first failure of jumping, which I saw that happening. At the moment, I laughed. It's really funny when you saw a cat seems to slip upon wooden floor. I must be laughing quite loud, he made a very sad sound. That's the first time that I felt cat has self-esteem, too! Afterwards, I try to hold my breath very hard.

About two weeks ago, I made a 1-step stair for him. He didn't use that at first, I think he has no idea what it is. A week ago, I tried to teach him how to use. I put his front legs on the stair and slapped my bed to give him a sign to jump up. He did, we tried few times. I then just directly gave him a sign when he was on floor entirely and he stepped on stair then the bed. Since then, he knows there is a thing, that he can step on. I am so happy that he can learn and this is his first trick. (No, I don't think he can learn dog-tricks)

Okay, back to the topic, I have a blanket and he loved it, but not anymore. If you have a cat, it's easy to understand they love scratch that kind of soft stuff, although sometimes they are not really scratching. Anyway, damage would have made, my poor blanket. I don't mind he sleeps in my bed, but I really don't want he scratches.

I tried to stop him but he seems to think I am playing with him. So I decided to grab his legs from beneath of the blanket. Every time I do, he scares. He freezes a bit, try to pull his legs back, then fall back few steps. You should look at his face. Confusing, scaring... wondering what's that? I didn't mean to scare him, but I scared him.

Now, he still jumps up, but he firstly circle around this evil blanket. Step by step, easily, slowly, carefully to get into the dangerous zone. Sometimes, he thinks that is still too risky, therefore he goes to the old bed.

Beware of the Yellow Devil!

I am reading this thread on FedoraForum, it's too funny to ignore. I picked up few and shared here in order of how I like:
  1. Fedora: to boldly break things that no one has broken before. posted by Shivas
  2. Fedora: To boldly go where no Penguin has gone before. Zigzagcom
  3. Fedora: Hold On to Your Hat, It Might Be A Bumpy Ride. Hlingler
  4. Fedora: Get in, buckle up, hold on and shut up. Dan

I believe that they were inspired by Why is Fedora always seem to be broken? and I agreed with them, but I am still a Fedora user.

This is a real experience, happened last afternoon. Here is how it goes:
I went out of my room and tried to make some food for lunch. Later, I took my lunch and sat on a stool by table in the living room. I need to sit on stool in order to eat comfortable. If I sit on sofa, then the table would be too low. There is a small space between me (where I sat on stool) and sofa.

While I was eating, I wonder where is the cat? You know cat is quite good to hide. After finished, I couldn't resist finding him. So I checked up his eating place, top of washer, kitchen, small spaces between plants, and my wardrobe.

That cat is really like my wardrobe. I know this time he didn't have a chance to sneak into there, but I have to check again. Cat is good, you know.

But I can't find it anywhere, at least I believe I had searched all places which he have hidden.

I sat on the stool again, just thought how I couldn't spot it? Somehow, I turned my head back and looked down. Yea, he was right there and sleeping in that small space! Unbelievable! I missed seeing it twice. Every time when I sit on the stool, I faced towards where the cat is. Must be his fur color.
He beat me again

Cat:1, Human:0