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Showing posts with label mint. Show all posts

This morning I created an issue as title on a project called hawaii-terminal, thats kind of trolling, havent got any responses yet. By that, I meant getting closed without any comments.

Sadly, its the end of my grow light, the tomato was dead, the stem dried out. I sowed six green beans in it as seedling bottle and placed it outdoor. For some reason, I couldnt germinate green beans. Hopefully, they would come up.

As of the grafts, the tomato on basil seems fine, still alive that is; basil on mint is sorry-looking dead. Tomorrow, I will try again to graft onto a more thicker stem.

I saved some dill, one green and three roots, they are either purely green or root parts, not sure if the green will regrow root or roots shoot out greens. I have to say no.

Two compost container, one is mostly done, another might be half way. I will bag the finished part tomorrow. I noticed two cabbage ends grow new white stalks, I snipped them off, but I am thinking to regrow cabbage ends. I might also pot that poor orchid sitting in compost.

What else?

  • Reported another GitHub spam account.
  • Sowed five grape seeds.
  • One of two left basil flower heads after pruning has snapped, which was flowering white flowers, too bad.
  • Trying to write a script to download all my YouTube videos thumbnails, for big #1000. Currently, the number of videos is 857 (142 videos are not part of READYT), 73MB thumbnails, I am too early.
  • Thinking about drying a section of corncob. I had dried a sweetcorn cob before, but I was hoping they would pop, they didnt, of course. I wonder if I can save cron seeds this way.

This afternoon, I watched a YouTube recommendation video about a produce review called Click & Grow Smart Herb Garden Starter Kit (59.95), a growing kit with builtin growing light, basically you just assemble it, plug in, and fill up the water reservoir, then that 21st gadget will take care of those plants. Its designed for people who dont have the knowledge or the time.

Frankly, this is worse than people put a plastic plant on office desk, in fact, I would prefer people have a fake plastic plants than buying a product like this. Lack of knowledge or time is simply an excuse, the time you go to the website and process your order is more than enough to read one or two article about growing any plants which you want to order with that kit. You can buy a good-looking plant from big stores or garden centers these days, if you still not to sure how to start from seeds.

Its a journey of growing a plant, people buy this kind of product, sooner or later would either sell it or just put it in storage room, because there is no true joy in growing this way. I dont even know if you can call it growing. Nothing is learned and experienced, because nothing you do is growing except filling in water. You dont prepare soil, sow seeds, care it, water it, check up on it, re-pot it, and so on.