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Showing posts with label logo. Show all posts

I made a login issue file from my Gentoo logo sketch which I created almost two years ago. I converted the image to ASCII using libcaca. I probably wont use this, but someone may want to.

(Standing far away from the monitor)

Two years ago, when I posted about this, I didnt license it. Today, I found out the original images I uploaded to imgur were gone. Sigh, just another bad image hosting service. I thought it was a good one and would last forever, but it was just the same.

Luckily, I still have original image files and source. I created the repository and licensed the work under the CC-BY-SA/3.0 Unported. The files should last, even it doesnt I can just push the repository to other place.

Are you an Arch Linux user? Have you ever noticed something strange about Arch Linux? I didnt until I read this conversation on forums.

sand_man: Its a nipple.

Fingel: Damn you! Now I cant unsee it.

I tried to see that nipple in replies but I couldnt see one from any of those images until I scrolled the page to top and I saw:


Some things just cant be unseen or forgetten, think before you <del>nipple</del> move your mouse.

Hover Here to See the Nipple!

If this doesnt work, just go to Arch Linux and look at top-left corner of the page.

Now I cant unsee it, either. :D