I just watched this Star Trek Girl music video via Most Popular section in homepage on YouTube. Normally I don't click on videos which have girls in snapshots. (I swear I am not lying!) I didn't notice the dress but I did skim the video title, "Star Trek" is deadly attraction to me. So, I clicked to check it out. I must say it's kind of strange if you watch with normal Star Trek style in your mind, but it's cute.

She asked your favorite series after MV. My favorite series should be Voyager, DS9, then TNG. But, what's wrong with ST: Enterprise? It's not that bad at all. I never watched TOS for real, I tried to get started but just five minutes of the first episode, I couldn't continue. However, I do like TOS films.

PS. She wore a Captain rank insignia, how could she be your First Officer?

PS2. Would we have Stargate Boy or Babylon 5 <INSERT HERE> sometime soon? Hope not, I don't even dare to imagine what music video that would be.