GNUSki is a SkiFree clone, which was made by Chris Pirih with Microsoft in 1991 for Windows and included in Best of Windows Entertainment Pack. Actually a clone of Ski for VAX/VMS, or at least, inspired by it, which in turn was inspired by Skiing (1920) for Atari 2600 console.
Using hjkl or arrow keys to play, the up and down keys are for changing speed. It only has one goal, ski as far down as you can, either to the left or to the right, just dont hit the rock.
The project is marked as inactive as of now on SourceForge, and eight years without any updates, the snow has melted, no more skiing.
GNUSki was created by Rudolf Olah on 2005-07-01 in C with ncurses under the GPLv2, currently version 0.3 (2007-05-31).