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Showing posts with label lunch. Show all posts



Yep, this is breakfast. I don't eat like others.



Don't know how to call this thing, just amazed by its texture.


If this got more blurry, it could be a monster, huge mouth about to eat you.



Whatever they are, you don't want to eat them.


Toast + chocolate + banana + peach + honey != -Soy milk

I know, this is more like a breakfast.



No, it's not a snack or teatime stuff. Haven't you gotten to know my eating disorder problem?

Hi yourself!

Hi yourself!


Oh, shoot! I forgot to drink a cup of coffee today. How could I forget something like that?

It's like tax and death, it should be inevitable.

Awesome! Another great musical, I Love Lunch, from Improv Everywhere. Though it's quite similar to Food Court Musical in many aspects except the starting, it's still good. If I had a friend who do that on me in public, I would wish I could dig a hole and bury my head in. Paul: Jeff, don't sing a song, man! LOL!

Is that a real cop? The article didn't say if he is, just mentioned some guy was shocked when found out the cop was in it.

Relay IE's message: There aint no shame in <3ing lunch.