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Unintentional Christmas Tree is a fun and small arcade action puzzle game. You just lay the same color blocks on top of each other.

It has two modes, easy and hard. In hard mode, you cant make any mistakes, e.g. red on green, or that would be game over. In easy mode, lets just say that you can break this tree really easily.

Unintentional Christmas Tree was created by Joseph Lansdowne on 2012-02-27, written in Python 2 with Pygame under New BSD License (3-clause), currently git-da562ee (2012-02-27).

The question is not red or green but left or right.

If you are a terminal user, you might want to check out "Time to have Falling Hearts screensaver for geek's terminal ."
I saw someone asked in discussion group, so I decided to write on my own. Here is all you need:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Put these two lines to an HTML/JavaScript gadget without setting the title of widget. You should now have falling hearts! <3

You can see them in this demo page. The code is released under the modified BSD.

There will be 40 hearts, flying around, fading at bottom, then starting falling over again. They also slightly change font size and change colors. Those hearts are text, actually just HTML entity &hearts;.

The script currently doesn't let you customize easily. If you want to, you need to download the script, change variables and upload to somewhere else.

Feel free to provide ideas if you need to fit your needs.

Hope you would <3 it!