A recommendation or related video about mushroom introduced me Americas Heartland YouTube channel, a weekly 20+-minute TV series. Its video quality is 720p HD and the content is good for me, although I only has watched three episodes 911-913.

Apparently, its produced for Americans Public Television according to the Wikipedia page. I think the show title is the most intriguing for me, because this is second time I heard of using Heartland. First time was from US Heartland episode of season 6 of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations.

Not entirely sure what the precise definition of the term is, states not connecting to sea, or Midwest states? But the show certainly visited every states. Im sure its about hearts on the land in the show.

The contents are about food, agriculture, farmers, animals, people, and lands. Of course, it has to follow the organic, (self-)substantial/sufficient trend or scene, and many other good things. Personally, I really hate people use those terms, but thats another story.

I dont know about those hosts or reporters, but they do a good job on the show and the production is in good quality. Glad that once in a while YouTube does recommend something worth watching.