
The site is dead and some links have been removed. (2015-12-14T06:43:25Z)

Yesterday, I was looking into an old stuff I created using Google App Engine, which was evolved from a Bash script back in December, 2009. Here is a screenshot:

Yes, I shamelessly Google/Yahoo/Bing my username and yes, I unblushingly made a record for the number of search results with a chart. (Cough, two charts and I have this.)

When I opened that page, I noticed the records stopped on October 3, 2011. At first, I thought it might be the result fetching limit in my program, so I went to update the code, but I realized it was not like that.

Something went wrong when I saw a huge amount of unsuccessful tasks in task queue. Retry counts were around thousands. I looked into the logs and found out the problem was with Yahoo Search BOSS API. The domain of v1 API is gone.

So, I googled and found this announcement for v2 API, v1 was scheduled to be shut down on July 20, 2011, but it lasted until August 27. But then on September 20, it was back and lasted until October 3, then it is gone for sure since then.

Because my program requires three API returns successfully before it writes data into datastore. I should check tasks retry count, it is too high, then drop it and send me an email. But I didnt code it in that way, because I didnt think there is a chance of having the thousands of retries until yesterday. I lost about 6 months of data from Google and Bing. Will I add the email notification for something like this? Nah.

Yahoo Search BOSS v1 is not only one gone, soon Google Web Search API will be shut down around 2013. It was declared as deprecated before Yahoos, but it has longer transition time for developers, which is 3 years.

I think they both move to paid version of API, v2 and Custom Search. I dont use API for making money, so when they are gone, my program stops updating.