This is my first time to do such thing intentionally. I believe everyone who has experience of writing shell script, they all have already done multiprocessing, for example: command &.

Here is an example output of a script I am about to show you:

# Creating 10 test files at /tmp/test{0..9}.bin, each is 10MB
$ for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do head -c 10m /dev/urandom > "/tmp/test${i}.bin"; done

# The single process
$ time for f in /tmp/test?.bin; do md5sum "$f"; done
a928dc064f3b0f68386ff8e8ae8c3d8e  /tmp/test0.bin
59a2940703258a750a6895efbfead10e  /tmp/test1.bin
77dc3bb2b0d70ada17174f73d9b8ba5b  /tmp/test2.bin
e8be270104dc99d7fc842f6b1a8ed622  /tmp/test3.bin
dedd45d0f8168ed3c9ecbf4e7458ab87  /tmp/test4.bin
efaaa7064a849ab4f4dbd69153fcc11b  /tmp/test5.bin
961520ac959d156a71d80628d001a20b  /tmp/test6.bin
110185133ecc6b538b0c383295f3a137  /tmp/test7.bin
3f1901a68e828c7dfe16f1a84805dedc  /tmp/test8.bin
a4032ebc7417b844fc58a841557c73a4  /tmp/test9.bin

real    0m0.426s
user    0m0.338s
sys     0m0.066s

# Multiprocessing with three processes to work on data
$ time ./ 
W0: W0 started to work...
W1: W1 started to work...
W2: W2 started to work...
W0: a928dc064f3b0f68386ff8e8ae8c3d8e  /tmp/test0.bin
W1: 59a2940703258a750a6895efbfead10e  /tmp/test1.bin
W2: 77dc3bb2b0d70ada17174f73d9b8ba5b  /tmp/test2.bin
W0: e8be270104dc99d7fc842f6b1a8ed622  /tmp/test3.bin
W1: dedd45d0f8168ed3c9ecbf4e7458ab87  /tmp/test4.bin
W2: efaaa7064a849ab4f4dbd69153fcc11b  /tmp/test5.bin
W0: 961520ac959d156a71d80628d001a20b  /tmp/test6.bin
W1: 110185133ecc6b538b0c383295f3a137  /tmp/test7.bin
W0: a4032ebc7417b844fc58a841557c73a4  /tmp/test9.bin
W2: 3f1901a68e828c7dfe16f1a84805dedc  /tmp/test8.bin

real    0m0.265s
user    0m0.342s
sys     0m0.072s

The script



worker () {
  echo "$1 started to work..."
  while read cmd; do
    # if receives exit, then do some finishing jobs
    [[ "$cmd" == "exit" ]] && break
    md5sum "$cmd"

get_next () {
  (( q_id >= ${#queue[@]} )) && next='' && return 0

for ((i=0;i<MAX_WORKERS;i++)); do
  # brings up workers and redirection to mute this :
  # ./ line 27: warning: execute_coproc: coproc [22652:W0] still exists
  eval "coproc W$i { worker W$i; }" &>/dev/null

queue=($(ls -1 /tmp/test?.bin))

while :; do
  for ((i=0;i<MAX_WORKERS;i++)); do
    read data <&${!w_stdout}
    if [[ ! -z "$data" ]]; then
      echo "W$i: $data"
      [[ -z "$next" ]] && break
      echo "$next" >&${!w_stdin}
  [[ -z "$next" ]] && break

# clean up
for ((i=0;i<MAX_WORKERS;i++)); do
  echo "exit" >&${!w_stdin}
  # get the rest of data
  while read data; do
    echo "W$i: $data"
  done <&${!w_stdout}
  wait ${!w_pid}

worker() is the data processor, which is fed by main program with item from queue array. The main program checks if a worker returns data, if so, then try to get new item for the worker who just finished the processing.

I use coproc to create a subshell for worker(), you should notice that I use eval because coproc doesn't accept using Parameter Expansion to supply the name of co-process. We need to name them from W0, W1, ..., and so on. You don't want to fix the program with fixed number of workers.

In the main loop, you can see w_stdout and w_stdin, which is indirect expansion1, we need it to get the value of W#[0], where # is a digit. When using coproc, the name of co-process is the key to get co-process' standard input/output and process ID, they are ${NAME[1]}, ${NAME[0]}, and ${NAME_PID}, respectively. You can use read data <&${NAME[0]} ; echo "$data" to get the output of co-process, and echo "blah blah blah" >&${NAME[1]} to feed co-process data.

If you design a better protocol for communicating with workers, it surely can do lots of thing. You can even change command(s) for a worker anytime you need. Currently, it only accept exit, so workers can exit gracefully.

  1. data=123 ; point_to=data ; echo "${!point_to}" echos "123". You uses ${!varname} to do such expansion. ^