I asked for a new feature1 of Vimperator. Basically, I was not satisfied with the style of tabs bar (aka tabbrowser), they dont look consistent with Vimperators statusline. After I asked for it, I realized it might get implemented, so I decided to make my own when I found out userChrome.css can do it. I can also added it to Vimperator plugin, its not a hard task, just put it in and modify the manifest. But its not customizable yet, it will require some programming in Vimperators code.

Anyway, here is what I have now:


The Vimperator is using my own style, vimPgray. You can download my userChrome.css, it might not works as you seen in screenshot. I customized in Firefox 4 and some are from vimPgray, e.g. the text shadow, but you can add on your own.

They are now nearly perfect to me, all gray!

Few issues:

  1. The all tabs button (#alltabs-button), I was able to replace it with css content, but the dropdown menu would not show up for some unknown reason after I clicked the button.
  2. I tried to replace the loading images from Firefox 4 with Unicode Block Elements (U+2581-8), but the layout was messed up.
  3. The close button and new tab button are just okay.
  4. I didnt change the styles of menu/location/etc.

Someday my Vimperator and Firefox will be flawless.

[1]http://code.google.com/p/vimperator-labs/issues/detail?id=399 is gone.