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Over the years, I always feel uneasy when I read news. As Internet technology improving, receiving news is much easier whenever and wherever you are. You can read breaking news on mobile and watch live broadcast as if you are watching television in the living room a decade ago.

It's amazing but also frightening.

No more delay, straight delivered to you. You are no longer having time to think or comprehend what is going on, they hit you as you are. The flood of news can easily overwhelm you.

A few hours ago, I knew about Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting via Photo Blog. The word shooting is the reason I don't read news often and I try not to visit Google News. I have subscribed to some photo journals, I skipped reading some entries when I knew the content is about violence, crime, or any could turn your day into darkness.

I still remembered Aurora and Virginia Tech shootings.

And I will remember this photo, remember the faces of these scared school children, remember even they were being escorted outprotected by the policemen, they were still in terror, remember a first grade teacher hid [15] [.] students in a bathroom and barricaded the door, telling them to be completely quiet in order to keep them safe.

I can't believe it's been so long, more two decades ago, my first day of kindergarten.

That day was chaos, even big bang was nothing to compare with. You know we were just a bunch of annoying kids, what you expect? Running here and there, throwing things we could grab in range. A handful of sand, an ugly purple ball, pencil or eraser if we were at classroom not doing studying.

That was mad, we were crazy. You couldn't blame it on us, we were supposed to have fun. We built a skyscraper using all pencils we had and some stolen from kids next table, head to tail, tail to head. You wouldn't believe even I am telling you, it would be the highest building at that time if that mean and horrible teacher from next classroom didn't confiscate our pencils. Sorry to kids next table, yours were confiscated, too.

When the janitor vacuumed the carpet, I could smell it. I watched him doing his job, then walked away as nothing had happened. Well, it surely was nothing.

The first nap at noon, we were gathered in a huge room and asked to sleep. It's impossible to ask a kid to sleep on an exciting day, so everyone was chatting with low voice. When teacher coughs we quiet, well, just for a while.

At the end of the day, we got on bus and were sent home. But after all, they were nothing important to me.

Because I had my first crush on my teacher on the first day of school in my life. I was incredible. :-)