I just watched the first episode of The Big C, I think the "C" is also for cancer, right? You can watch it on IMDb or YouTube.

I didn't know why I watched it, it's not a usual show I would like to watch especially it could be around very sad and ended up with tears. Well, it's not so bad and not so boring or slow pace as I expected.

Some people posted about Breaking Bad in comparison, I have almost forgotten that show which I stopped watching few episode before season two final. (or I stopped watching after final?) It's not because BB is a poor show but it's quite awesome and tense, I could bear watching more.

Another show was mentioned is the Weed, I have never watched it because it's already aired for a few seasons after BB.

There are few similarities in between BB and The Big C. Both leading role have cancer, both are high school teacher, both have kids with problems (In BB, it's not like the kid is bad), and probably some more. However, they are two different shows to me. I still don't know the whole point in Big C, life with cancer? life before death? living out of box?

Anyway, I think I would like to watch a few more episodes.

PS. I didn't know you need a permit to build a swimming pool.