Six months ago, I wrote Performance in shell and with C about converting a Bash project into a C. During it, I got some numbers, which showed me the performances of shell builtin and C. Almost two years ago, I wrote about sleep command, also talking about the cost of invoking external command.

Last night, suddenly I realized that I could have just given a very simple example by using true, using Bashs time builtin to time the loops:

test time
for i in {1..10000}; do      true; done 00.049s
for i in {1..10000}; do /bin/true; done 11.556s

The builtin true is 23,484% faster than the external /bin/true, numbers got from looping the following commands for 1000 iterations, also as another example:

test time
e      '(11.556-0.049)/0.049*100' 0.028s
bc <<< '(11.556-0.049)/0.049*100' 2.560s


bc actually returns 23400 if without using scale.

The e above is a shell builtin, from the e.bash project I forked off e, tiny expression evaluator. After I learned about the cost, I was no longer using bc just for simple calculation for floating numbers; but with e, I do calculate floating number again in Bash scripts.

These numbers should be very clear abort using external commands. If you have a long loop and there are lots of uses of external command, then you should really consider rewriting in other programming languages.