The following graph shows my followers and my repositories watchers:

You can graph yours: GitHub Username
  • Click on user/repository to show followers/watchers
  • Control + Click to open the user/repository in new window.

Recently, I got a few followers and some watchers of repositories. That's why I wanted to see how and what they follow and watch. The graph uses D3.js' Force-Directed Graph. I can't find an icon for repository, GitHub doesn't provide one in returned data since you don't have repository logo option in the first place. I use Git logo as the representation, that actually makes much sense.

This is my first time to use D3.js if I recall correctly, so this graph isn't perfect. Feel free to point out and give advises. Since such graph requires CPU to process for animation, so the script only retrieve first page of data, some may not be graphed for this reason. GitHub allows 5,000 requests per hour, that should be enough for many queries. For my username, it uses around 25 calls, mainly for repository's watchers list.

I am sure many of you have more followers/watchers a.k.a. CPU-resource-sucker, don't be hesitating to post a screenshot in comment (Disqus supports image upload, so use it), or just drop your GitHub username.