Of 2012-04-20, pageviews reached a record high of 1,056 views and 671 views according to Blogger Stats and Google Analytics, respectively. One day before, 2012-04-19, they were 722 views and 566 views.

It is coming down, it's just peak because someone listed Three years with Gentoo on some website, then the post got reddit'd and dugg.

Last time this kind of things happened were via StumbleUpon, I don't dislike but nor like. For that kind of submitting websites, I believe submissions with LOL contents suit better. For little deeper reading materials, just not right. The site doesn't actually benefit from it for anything except a burst of pageviews, and that's all about it.

People don't really read these, they just skim over and look for images for a good laughter. The average visit duration is around 1 minute for my blog. However, I did get one nice comment and average visit duration is around 3 minutes for that blog post, but that post has 685 views (in Blogger Stats, as of 2012-04-21T17:54:06Z), so you know how things would pan out from that kind of listing websites.

It's only a short-term like a temporary excitement, a stimulation, which never lasts long. If with luck, you get new subscribers, that is for long-term and good for your blog. From what I see, my subscriber count only increased by one in last few days, I can not conclude that was from that post at all.

Sooner or later, the pageview count will go back to what it used to be and everything become normal again, I bet it would be in just a couple of days.