It's not because it will get you drunk. (Really? You get drunk by drinking beer?)
It's because I always get headache from drinking beer. While drinking it, it makes you buzz, that's the joy. Yeah!
But after I finish, the headache will come to haunt me. Sometimes, I take painkiller. I know that's very bad, medicine and alcohol are the very wrong combination. Even I usually wait for a couple of hours, I don't think my liver is in good condition. Not to mention my daily schedule is... wait I have schedule? Anyway, it's 1:43 in the morning and I am writing this post, got it? My poor liver.
Wine is rather getting me headache. I guess that's because I don't drink the way I drink beer? This is 600ml bottle, I don't think I have ever drunk whole bottle of wine at once.
*hic* sorry!
By the power of this Asahi beer, I now will post some rambling posts or none.