I have been using my username livibetter for more than five years. Few days ago, I noticed it got suggested!

get suggested

Oh, yeah!

My real name doesn't get the same treat, even it has more results, though many are not about me, but I am listed at top 1. Actually 9 out of 10 at first page are my stuff.

When I started blogging here, I intended to disconnect myself from my username. So, if you try to search for my username and to get pages of this blog, you won't get many.

livibetter will still be my username because it's unique, my real name or initials of my real name isn't. That's the reason I don't use my real name often before, but I started to use it when I filled in a form if the field for name is labeled as name. If it's labeled as nickname, I will use my username. Once someone told me livibetter isn't a nickname at all, I don't disagree, so I let them call me by Yu, part of my first name.

If you see the footer of posts, you will read "Posted by P.". P. is my new nickname and signature, I just begin to use it to sign my stuff. It's not an abbreviation of a name but a word actually.

Anyway, have your username got suggested?