
5 years later, a different version of Arch is the best!. (2015-07-26T04:03:18Z)

There is a very intestine thread on Arch Linux Forums, A script proclaiming Archs superiority, I replied with my script:

fonts=() ; for font in /usr/share/figlet/*.flf ; do fonts[${#fonts[]}]="$(basename $font)" ; done ; while [[ 1 ]] ; do echo -e "\e[$((31 + $RANDOM % 7))m" ; figlet -f ${fonts[$(($RANDOM % ${#fonts[]}))]} -c -t Arch is the best! ; sleep 0.2 ; done

This script loads font file names and randomly set the ANSI color escape codes and font for FIGlet to print out the text.

That thread is fun to read, you can see a lot of people trying to be more creative and genius, just to shout out Arch is the best! And you will see some computer programming languages which you havent heard of or some different way to represent, such as Morse code or LOLCODE. They tried to sound very serious of this project, talking about patch, license type, packaging, dependency, compatibility, etc. It has to be serious, right?